Thursday, July 11, 2013

What is Pneumonia?

Pneumonia, bronchiolitis and asthma are all common illnesses that result in children presenting with acute lower respiratory symptoms and signs.  Antibiotics should be given to children with bacterial pneumonia but not to children with bronchiolitis or asthma. 

Most children with pneumonia present with cough or difficulty breathing, but only the minority of children with these symptoms have pneumonia. Bacterial pneumonia should be considered in children <3 years of age who present with fever > 38.5, chest recession and increased respiratory rate >50 breaths/minute. Older children with bacterial pneumonia often present with difficultly
breathing in combination with tachypnoea. If wheeze is present in a preschool child, primary bacterial pneumonia is unlikely however in school age children it may suggest Mycoplasma pneumonia.

Pneumonia Complications

Health professionals caring for children with pneumonia should be aware of the range of potential complications, how to recognise them and their management.  The following serves to highlight these complications but is not intended as a full list nor a comprehensive guide to their management.

 (a)  Syndrome of inappropriate anti-diuretic hormone (SIADH): Inappropriate secretion of anti-diuretic hormone leads to retention of water and hyponatraemia. This is recognised frequently in paediatric respiratory illness. Most children should be managed with ¾ maintenance (see Intravenous Fluids guideline). Consider symptomatic hyponatraemia if there is irritability, an altered level of consciousness. Initial test is serum electrolytes. Seek
expert advice on management.

 (b)  Lung necrosis: Necrosis and liquefaction of lung tissue. Suspicion may be raised by poor response to treatment, including persisting fever. Definitive diagnosis requires contrast chest CT . Additional therapy or surgical intervention is not necessarily required and outcome with conservative management in childhood is usually good. Careful follow up is required as long term sequelae may follow.

 (c)  Pneumatocoele: These are thin-walled air-filled cysts that develop within the parenchyma. They are particularly associated with Staphylococcus aureus and will usually resolve over time without specific intervention. Careful follow up is recommended to ensure full recovery and resolution. Family should be notified that it may be unsafe for the child to fly while the pneumatocoele(s) are present.

(d)  Atelectasis / Lobar collapse: This is not uncommon. Chest physiotherapy (airway clearance techniques) may be indicated. Follow up should be arranged to ensure resolution as may be associated with long term sequelae. Children with persistent lobar collapse should be referred to a respiratory paediatrician for review and potentially a flexible bronchoscopy.

(e)    Lung abscess: The symptoms and signs of lung abscess are the same as for pneumonia and they may be difficult to distinguish on clinical grounds alone. Diagnosis is usually made by chest x-ray supported by contrast CT chest. The presence of underlying lung disease or malformation, foreign body, aspiration, or immunodeficiency should be carefully considered. Blood cultures, full blood count and inflammatory markers should be obtained at diagnosis. Therapy is a prolonged course of antibiotics, usually a minimum of 4 weeks. Management
of lung abscess should be guided by a respiratory paediatrician.

 (f) Chronic bronchitis / bronchiectasis (sequelae): Children with persistent symptoms and/or signs including chronic productive cough, persistent crackles, clubbing and/or x-ray findings should be evaluated further for possible underlying bronchitis/bronchiectasis. 


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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

what is Cystic Fibrosis ?

CF or Cystic Fibrosis is now serious become serious disease basically in developed country.Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a lifelong, hereditary disease that causes thick, sticky mucus to form in the lungs, pancreas, and other organs . In the lungs, this mucus blocks the airways, causing lung damage, making it hard to breathe, and leading to serious lung infections . In the pancreas, it clogs the pathways leading to the digestive system, interfering with proper digestion.In 90 percent of cystic fibrosis cases, the airways are affected.

The victims
CF is the second most common life-shortening, inherited disorder occurring in childhood in the United States, after sickle cell anemia.Approximately 30,000 Americans have CF, and there are an estimated 1,000 new cases diagnosed each year.It occurs equally in male and female babies and affects nearly every race.However, cystic fibrosis occurs most commonly among Caucasians of Northern European descent; an estimated 1 in 2,500 Caucasian births are affected.

More than 10 million Americans are unknowing, symptomless carriers of the defective cystic fibrosis gene. In order to develop CF, an individual must inherit a
defective gene from each parent. Each time two carriers of the defective gene conceive, there is a 25 percent chance that the child will have CF. There is a 50 percent chance that the child will be a carrier of the gene, and 25 percent chance that the child will not have the gene at all.

Symptoms of Cystic Fibrosis
  1. salty-tasting skin (which parents often notice when they kiss their child)
  2. wheezing or shortness of breath
  3. persistent cough and excessive mucus
  4. frequent lung infections, such as pneumonia and bronchitis
  5. frequent sinus infections (sinusitis)
  6. growths in the nose (nasal polyps)
  7. poor weight gain and growth
  8. foul-smelling, greasy stools 
  9. swollen belly, accompanied by abdominal gas and discomfort
  10. broadening of the fingertips and toes .
TreatmentThough a cure for cystic fibrosis has yet to be developed, patients have a variety of options to treat their symptoms. Common treatments for those with CF include airway clearance techniques and medications to clear mucus from the lungs, prevention and management of infections, and proper nutrition.

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See quick symptoms

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Quick tips to prevent thrush

Women get lot of problems and they do big mistake when they hide their common diseases. Similarly thrush is very common infection in vagina.Vaginal thrush is a common infection caused by an overgrowth of Candida albicans yeast. This
yeast lives naturally in the bowel and in small numbers in the vagina. It is mostly harmless, but symptoms can develop if yeast numbers increase. About 75 per cent of women will have vaginal thrush in their lifetime. Other names for this infection are candidiasis or monilia. (see what is CANDIDA INFECTION)

Symptoms can include vaginal itching or burning, a white discharge and stinging or burning whileurinating. Vaginal creams or vaginal tablets (pessaries) can help reduce the symptoms of thrush.Thrush can also occur in other parts of the body, such as the mouth.

Prevent vaginal thrush:
  1. Wipe your bottom from front to back after going to the toilet. This will prevent the spread
  2. of Candida albicans from the anus to the vagina.
  3. Avoid using soap to wash the genital area. Soap substitutes can be used. Sorbolene (with
  4. or without glycerine) is probably the cheapest and is very effective. When using sorbolene:
  5. Avoid perfumed products.
  6. Be aware that products containing 10 per cent glycerine can occasionally cause
  7. stinging.
  8. Apply before the area is wetted and rinse off lightly. A slight greasy film should
  9. remain.
  10. Avoid using antiseptics, douches or perfumed sprays in the genital area.
  11. Avoid using perfumed toilet papers and menstrual products.
  12. Avoid wearing tight-fitting pants and synthetic underwear.
  13. Consider changing your clothes-washing detergent and don’t use fabric softeners. 
If you still can prevent thrush then you should consult with your doctor without any hesitation. Remember eating and disease there should not be any shyness..

Related post :
Vaginal thrush

Monday, July 8, 2013

What is vaginal thrush?

Women get lot of problems and they do big mistake when they hide their common diseases. Similarly thrush is very common infection in vagina.Vaginal thrush is a common infection caused by an overgrowth of Candida albicans yeast. This
yeast lives naturally in the bowel and in small numbers in the vagina. It is mostly harmless, butsymptoms can develop if yeast numbers increase. About 75 per cent of women will have vaginal thrush in their lifetime. Other names for this infection are candidiasis or monilia.
Symptoms can include vaginal itching or burning, a white discharge and stinging or burning whileurinating. Vaginal creams or vaginal tablets (pessaries) can help reduce the symptoms of thrush.Thrush can also occur in other parts of the body, such as the mouth.

I am not elaborating each symptoms in details ,giving you most common signs below :

  1. Symptoms you may experience if you develop vaginal thrush include:
  2. Vaginal discomfort – itching or burning
  3. A thick, white discharge with a ‘cottage cheese’ appearance and yeasty smell
  4. Redness or swelling of the vagina or vulva
  5. Stinging or burning while urinating or during sex
  6. Splits in the genital skin.

Now come to Diagnosis. To make a diagnosis of vaginal thrush, your doctor will need to:
  1. Examine your genitals
  2. Take a swab from the affected area. 
Please note :  Vaginal thrush is not a sexually transmissible infection (STI). It is caused by an overgrowth of the
yeast Candida albicans. This overgrowth may be due to:

Antibiotic use
Oral contraceptive use
Menstrual cycle changes
General illnesses like diabetes, iron deficiency and immune system disorders
Associated vulval skin conditions.
Sometimes, the reason for candida overgrowth cannot be identified.

Don't forget to check the treatment of vaginal thrush here.I will attach the link very soon.

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Saturday, July 6, 2013

MRI scan

MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. An MRI scanner uses a
magnetic fi eld and radio waves to build up detailed pictures of various parts of
the body by picking up signals sent out by water molecules. Computer systems
help with this but no X-rays are used.

It helps doctors make a diagnosis or assess the eff ects of treatment. Your
doctor will recommend an MRI scan based on the type of disease you have
and the reason for the scan.

You don't need to get panic,this scan isn’t painful. However, you will have to lie still for up to one hour on a table which is quite hard. The radiographers will do their best to make you comfortable. If you have any pain or
discomfort that could lead to difficulties with the scan, please tell the radiographer before your scan.

During the scan
The scanner produces a variety of loud noises which are made by magnetic coils
that switch on and off  during the scan. These coils measure the signal coming
from your body in order to create the images. The noise is caused by them
being switched on and off  so rapidly that they vibrate.

Ear defenders or earplugs will help reduce this noise.Although the scanner is open at both ends, some people may fi nd this claustrophobic. If you are worried about this, please speak to the radiographer before you come for your scan. During the scan, the radiographer will be able to see you from the control room and you can talk to each other through an intercom. You will be given a call button to press and may be able to listen to music during the scan. The newer scanners are much shorter and wider than before.

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Friday, July 5, 2013

About PSA

The full form of PSA TEST is prostate specific antigen test.Now you probably thinking what is PSA? well,let me explain this:

The PSA test is a blood test that measures the level of PSA (prostate specific antigen) in your blood. PSA is made by the prostate gland, and some of it will leak into your bloodstream depending on your age and the health of your prostate.
A raised PSA level may mean you have prostate cancer. However, other conditions which are not cancer (for example, enlargement of the prostate, prostatitis, urinary infection) can also cause higher PSA levels in the blood. About 2 out of 3 men with a raised PSA level will not have prostate cancer. The higher the level of PSA, the more likely it is to be a sign of cancer. The PSA test can also miss cancer.

More about PSA TEST
Patients often eager to know the result after PSA test.Though they don't know about the PSA details.You can have basic idea about PSA when you will read the below result after PSA test.Normally doctors make decisions depending on these facts.These are :

If your PSA level is not raised, you are unlikely to have cancer and no immediate further action is needed, although you may have further tests to confirm the result.

If your PSA level is slightly raised, you probably do not have cancer, but you might need further tests, including more PSA tests.

If your PSA level is definitely raised, your GP will arrange for you to see a specialist for further tests to find out if you have prostate cancer.

If you have any questions or want to receive more information about PSA testing and prostate cancer you can discuss it with your doctor or practice nurse.

Infant constipation

Your baby is totally dependent on you.He or she can't express the problem inside his or her.Its duty of parents to take care always be conscious of baby's health.Many babies strain when having a bowel movement.  This is not a sign of constipation. Your baby is constipated if her stools are hard and she has difficulty passing them. Constipation has nothing to do with how frequently your baby has a bowel movement. 

• Do not give any solid foods to an infant under 4 months. 
• Is the baby going through a growth spurt? Don't worry. At 2 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months many babies eat more and have a change in stool patterns. 
• Have you been traveling long distances or moved recently? Some babies will need time to adjust. 
• While the baby is lying on her back, move the baby's legs in a clockwise rotation.
• Moving the baby's knees to the chest and holding for a few seconds can help him to push out a stool.
• If your baby is 2-6 months old, offer 1 ounce prune or apple juice twice a day. Do not dilute it with water. If she is over 6 months, offer 2-3 tablespoons of strained prunes twice a day. 

Breastfed babies
Breastfed babies have stools that are soft, mustard yellow in color, and happen often. A newborn may have as many as 8-10 stools per day. After the first 4-6 weeks, the number of stools usually decrease; the baby may have as many as 1-2 per day, or as few as 1-2 per week. If you give the baby any formula, expect to see a change in the color, consistency and frequency of the stools. Changes will also happen when you introduce solid foods.

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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Tape worms

The term ‘tapeworm’ describes a group of parasitic worms that live in the gut of animals, including humans. These infestations are found worldwide. They can be caused when humans consume rawor undercooked animal products that contain worm larvae (for beef or pork). Humans can also become infested after close contact with animals like cats and dogs.

A person who comes in contact with the faeces of an infected dog (that is, when eggs from the tapeworm are passed in the faeces) may develop hydatid disease. This is serious and potentially fatal. Infection with tapeworm eggs causes cysts to form in vital organs such as the liver and lungs.

Life cycle of a tapeworm
The tapeworm needs two hosts to complete its life cycle:
•Intermediate host – such as sheep, pigs, cattle, goats, horses, camels, wallabies and kangaroos.
 Infection begins when the grazing animal eats dog or dingo faeces infected with tapeworm eggs.  The eggs hatch in the animal’s gut into embryos (called oncospheres).These embryos penetrate the wall of the intestine and are carried in the bloodstream to vital organs such as the liver, lungs or brain, where they can develop into watery ‘blisters’called  hydatid cysts. These cysts contain around 30 to 40 tapeworm heads (the first segment of the tapeworm). A mature fertile cyst may contain several million such heads.

•Definitive host – such as dogs and dingoes. Infection begins when the animal eats offal that contains hydatid cysts. The swallowed cysts burst and the tapeworm heads travel to the gut and attach themselves to the intestine wall. The tapeworms are mature after about six weeks. An adult E. granulosis tapeworm is only six millimetres long. Thousands can inhabit the gut of an infected animal. Each mature worm grows and sheds the last segment of its body about every two weeks. This last segment contains immature eggs. The eggs are passed from the animal’s body in faeces and may stick to the animal’s hair or contaminate the vegetable garden. The eggs are highly resistant to weather conditions and can remain viable for months. The eggs have to be swallowed by an animal (intermediate host) to form hydatid cysts.

Infection in humans
Human infection does not occur from eating infected offal. People usually become infected byaccidentally swallowing the tapeworm eggs passed in dog faeces. A human acts as an intermediatehost in the same way as a sheep, horse or kangaroo. The eggs travel through the bloodstream,lodge in organs and form watery cysts full of tapeworm heads. This is known as hydatid disease orechinococcosis. Hydatid disease is not contagious and is not passed by person-to-person contact.

The symptoms of hydatid disease depend on which organs are affected. The most commonly affected organ is the liver. The kidneys, brain and lungs are sometimes affected. In rare cases, hydatid cysts may form in the thyroid gland or heart or within bone. Symptoms can occur a long time after infection, sometimes months or years later. Sometimes there are no symptoms at all. If they occur, symptoms may include:

 Stomach upset
•Unexplained weight loss
•Swollen abdomen
•Weakness and fatigue
•Blood or the fluid from a ruptured cyst – may be coughed up
•Jaundice – pressure from an enlarging cyst may cause jaundice. Hydatid disease can be fatal without medical treatment. A heavily infested organ may fail or a cyst may rupture and cause a life-threatening allergic reaction (anaphylaxis).

Now all above are the symptoms but there are also some diagnosis methods that you should know :

Diagnosis methods,these includes - 
•Medical history
•Physical examination
•X-ray examination
•CT scan
•MRI scan
•Examination of blood, urine, sputum, faeces or other bodily fluids if a burst hydatid cyst is suspected
•Blood tests for antibodies to the cysts.

Treatment options
Surgery is the main form of treatment for hydatid disease. A risk of surgery is that a hydatid cystmay rupture and spread tapeworm heads throughout the patient’s body. To reduce this risk, the doctor may prescribe high doses of the drug albendazole in conjunction with surgery. This drug helps to destroy any remaining tapeworm heads. However, risk of disease recurrence is high. About one in three people treated for hydatid disease develop the condition again and need repeat treatment.

Preventing infection
Both phases of the tapeworm’s life cycle must be broken in order to prevent infection. Suggestions include:
•It is important to control tapeworm infection in domestic dogs. Infected dogs usually don’t have any symptoms. Don’t assume that your dog isn’t infected just because it seems
happy and healthy.
•Regular preventive deforming of dogs is important, especially in rural areas where dogs may have access to animal carcasses.
•Take your dog to the vet for diagnosis and treatment (if necessary) for tapeworm infection.Treatment includes regular dosing with anti-tapeworm medicines.
•While your dog is undergoing treatment, dispose of its faeces carefully. Wear rubber gloves. Incinerate or bury deeply all dog droppings for at least three days. Wash your hands thoroughly after disposing of dog droppings.
•Thoroughly clean and disinfect the kennel and surrounding area.
•Always wash your hands with plenty of soap and water after touching your dog. Instruct children to do the same. Supervise small children when they wash their hands.
•Wash hands before eating, drinking and smoking and after gardening or handling animals.
•Only feed your dog with commercially prepared dog foods.
•Do not feed raw or cooked offal to your dog. This includes offal bought from a supermarket or butcher.
•Be especially vigilant if you are a sheep or cattle farmer. For example, keep your dog fenced or on a lead when it is not working to prevent it from eating carcasses.
•Do not allow your dog to roam when holidaying in country areas.
•If you grow your own vegetables, fence your vegetable patch to make sure that pets and wild animals can’t defecate on the soil.

Things you should remember :
•Contact with dog faeces infected with tapeworm eggs may cause hydatid disease, which is when cysts form in vital organs such as the liver.
•It is important to control tapeworm infection in domestic dogs – take your dog to the vet
for treatment with anti-tapeworm medication.
•Wash hands before eating, drinking and smoking and after gardening or handling animals.

Thanks for reading,don't forget to share it with your friends.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Voice disorder

Your voice is your most effective communication asset.  Keeping a good voice is important, especially if your work makes heavy demands on it, Even speakers with naturally good voices benefit from being aware of the principles of voice production and management.

Projection of the voice is important for anyone using the voice in a large space or over background noise. It is achieved by good central breathing, good chest and head resonance and sufficient mouth opening, use of forms of voice emphasis, for example alteration of pitch and pace rather than volume may be helpful.

Now let me tell you about the voice order : 
A voice disorder may cause your voice to sound hoarse, croaky or whispery and may sound to others as if you have a sore throat or laryngitis. You may experience a dry, tickly sensation which makes you want to cough or clear your throat.

You may find that your voice is worse first thing in the morning, last thing at night or after prolonged use. Occasionally you may feel that you have to force your voice in order for people to hear you.

Voice problems can vary in degree or severity, ranging from mild hoarseness to complete voice loss for prolonged periods of time.  

There are several causes can be mentioned but these are very common Causes :
A voice disorder is usually the result of vocal abuse and/or misuse. Vocal abuse resulting in trauma to the vocal cords includes:
 Shouting, screaming and cheering;
•Speaking loudly (e.g. talking over background noise);
•Strained vocalisations (e.g. lifting heavy objects and talking simultaneously);
•Excessive talking/ over-use of the voice;
•Excessive throat clearing and/or coughing;
•Singing using an inappropriate vocal technique or in certain environmental conditions (e.g. smoky, noisy).
•Voice misuse while the vocal cords are in a weakened condition e.g. due to an allergy or upper respiratory tract infection.
•A non-speaking activity that can harm the vocal mechanism e.g. inhalation of dust or cigarette smoke.

Don't let it spoil,Your voice is the most strong weapon to share your feelings so try care it.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Burning Mouth Syndrome

Today I am going to write about Burning Mouth Syndrome.Further you will know its treatments and symptoms.  Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is a chronic, painful condition characterized by burning sensations in the tongue, lips, palate (roof of the mouth), gums, inside of the cheeks and the back of the mouth or throat. The discomfort cannot be easily attributed to any physical abnormalities in the mouth or any underlying medical disorders.

A complicated and poorly understood condition, burning mouth syndrome appears to affect women seven times more often than men. Most people suffering from burning mouth syndrome are middle aged, but younger individuals also have been affected by the condition.

Burning mouth syndrome may also be called burning tongue syndrome, burning lips syndrome, glossodynia, stomatodynia and scalded mouth syndrome.

Symptoms of Burning Mouth Syndrome
There are a number of symptoms associated with burning mouth syndrome, most notably the sensation of pain or burning. The pain or burning sensation is typically mild in the mornings, becoming progressively more intense throughout the day, peaking in the evening and subsiding at night. Some burning mouth sufferers feel continuous pain while others experience intermittent burning sensations. The pain associated with burning mouth syndrome can last for several months or years.

Other symptoms often reported with burning mouth syndrome include dry lips, a sore or dry mouth, tingling or numbness on the tip of the tongue or in the mouth and bitter or metallic changes in taste.

Causes of Burning Mouth
The exact cause of the condition is still not clearly understood. A burning sensation or symptom in the mouth can result from, or be a symptom of, a number of oral and systemic conditions. These problems must be ruled out before a diagnosis of “burning mouth syndrome” can be made.

Some of the factors contributing to oral burning include:

Nutritional deficiencies: Deficiencies of iron, folate and vitamin B complex have been associated with a burning sensation in the mouth. As a result, some treatment approaches have included supplements of B vitamins and minerals like zinc and iron. (Read more about diet and dentistry)

Dry Mouth (xerostomia): Medications, Sjogren's syndrome and any number of other causes can lead to dry mouth and its related burning sensation. Sipping liquids throughout the day, using artificial saliva and/or eliminating the cause of the dry mouth may reduce or eliminate the burning sensation.

Oral Candidiasis (Oral Thrush): A symptom of this oral fungal infection is a burning sensation in the mouth, particularly when consuming acidic or spicy foods, or when the cottage-cheese like lesions are scraped from the inside of the mouth. The plan that your dentist recommends to treat oral thrush can help end the burning sensations associated with this oral yeast infection.

Diabetes: Diabetics are more susceptible to oral infections (including oral thrush) that produce burning mouth sensations. Additionally, diabetics are prone to vascular changes that affect the small blood vessels in the mouth, creating a lower threshold for pain. A better control of blood sugar levels in diabetic patients may prevent onset or help improve symptoms of burning mouth.

Treatment for Burning Mouth and Tongue Syndrome
The treatment for burning mouth syndrome aims to alleviate symptoms. Burning mouth syndrome treatments include different medications traditionally used to relieve the underlying causes of other conditions, such as depression and chronic pain. Tricyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline/Elavil), antipsychotics (chlordiazepoxide/Librium), anticonvulsants (gabapentin/Neurontin), analgesics, benzodiazepines (clonazepam/Klonopin) and mucosal protectors have provided effective relief for some patients.

In addition, topical capsaicin (the natural chemical in cayenne pepper) has been used to desensitize patients suffering from burning mouth syndrome.

However, despite the success of these approaches in certain situations, there is no universal treatment for burning mouth syndrome that is effective in all cases. Treatment is planned to meet the specific needs of each patient. The cost of treatment varies depending upon the medications prescribed (if any), how long they will be needed and whether or not medical and/or dental insurance will cover all or some of the costs.
Additional relief from the symptoms of burning mouth syndrome may be achieved by making some simple changes:

  • Stop using mouthwash that contains alcohol.
  • Stop using toothpaste that contains sodium lauryl sulfate.
  • Chew sugarless gum, preferably sweetened with xylitol.
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages.
  • Use baking soda and water when brushing your teeth.
  • Refrain from drinking beverages with high acidity (fruit juices, coffee, soft drinks).
  • Abstain from tobacco use.
  • Sip water or suck on ice chips.  
If you know any other tips please share with me.You are welcome .

Monday, July 1, 2013

How to care lip

Soft and smooth lips among the indicators of physical beauty. Lip care is not only  applicable to women; small children and men too must take care of the lips on a  regular basis. Unlike skin on the  other parts of the body , the lip skin lack oil  glands; causing them to become dry and cracked easily. During winter season the lips require more attention.
 According to Ayurveda the dryness of lips is caused by excess of Vata. Excessive consumption of vata incrasing diet and wrong lifestyle vitiates vata. In winter season the cold and dry climate increases the vata leading to cracked lips. Dark colour lips are yet another problem faced by lot of people.                 
1.  Massage the lips with ghee on a regular basis.
2.  Follow a vata balancing lifestyle
3.  Cosume vata balancing diet which contains sweet ,sour and salty tastes
4.  Do not lick the lips repeatedly.
5.  One can apply aloe vera gel or juice on lips to prevent cracking and drying.           
6.  Watch for certain lip cosmetics like lipsticks which contain chemicals can   cause dry and chapped lips.
Following these tips would also help prevent cracking and chapping of lips.
1. Always apply a natural lip balm to protect your lips.                             
2. Massaging lips with ghee (clarified butter) and leaving a thin layer of it on lips overnight acts as a natural protection for lips.
3. Repeatedly apply herbal moisturizing lotion on lips.
4. Apply a thin coat of natural balm on your lips before applying lipsticks.                                                     5. Dip a black tea bag in warm water and press it on lips for three to four minutes. This increases moisture level on skin of lips.
6. Do not lick lips repeatedly.                              
7. Dip small cotton gauze in warm clarified butter (ghee) and place it on lips for 20 minutes.
8. Remove your lipstick before going to bed using a herbal cleanser and  apply a thin layer of ghee on lips.
9. Drink adequate quantity of water.                                       

Many people follow these Remedies also.You can also try - 
Shatadhauta ghrita
Cow ghee
Almond oil
Olive oil
Rose petals+ milk

Aloe vera
Take care your lip for a beautiful smile.