Monday, September 2, 2013

Ankle Swelling and Home Remedies

Swollen ankles, feet and legs, referred to medically as edema, occur when fluid is retained in the spaces between body cells. While edema typically affects the feet, ankles and lower legs, it can also impact any area of the body, causing systemic symptoms.

Initially, the feet, ankles and legs will appear swollen as the day progresses, but after a period of time, the swelling will set in first thing in the morning and continue to worsen throughout the day. Long-term edema causes pitting: When you press on the swollen area for a few seconds, you will notice an indentation in that area. Continued swelling can cause skin ulcerations.

Home Remedies for Ankle Swelling
Lift ankle so that the leg is straight in front of you on the sofa or on a chair. Place an ice pack, or ice in a plastic bag wrapped in a clean dish towel on the raised ankle.

Apply a cold pack to control the swelling, such as crushed ice in a plastic bag, a cold gel pack, or a bag of frozen peas or green beans. Wrap the cold pack in a dishcloth so that it does not contact your skin directly. When the pack warms up, refreeze it and reapply it later. I use two 12 x 18 in gel packs, so one is always in the freezer.

Lecithin seeds
Lecithin seeds are another effective home remedy for the treatment of Swelling of Feet during Pregnancy. Take 3-4 tablespoon of lecithin seeds every day for 2-3 month. This has a magical effect and shows great result within 2-3 months.

Sleeping or resting in one direction of your body (side turn) and keeping your legs raised using soft cushion reduces swelling of feet.

Boil 1-2 glass of water containing half tablespoon molasses (gud) and one tablespoon saunf, and boil it down to half. Leave it wrapped for five minutes. Duncan. Vessels and capillaries tear, leaking blood. Repeat this entire sequence three times.

Vitamin E-rich food
It is also found that Vitamin E-rich food is good for patients suffering from Swelling of Feet during Pregnancy. Some of the Vitamin E-rich food is spinach, almond oil, sweet potato, sunflower seeds, and wheat germs.


Sit on the carpet and stretch your leg in the front, rotate your leg 10-15 times in a clockwise direction and then in the same way rotate in the anti-clock wise direction for 10-15 times. This reduces swelling of feet and improves blood circulation in the feet.

If all these are home tips do not work, then you should consult with a specialist as soon as possible.

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